Personal Information Protection Policy

Cross Continent Corporation Ltd. (hereinafter, the “Company”) recognizes that protecting personal information is an important aspect of providing the services offered by our Company. We have established this policy to ensure the strict management and protection of personal information. We will also continually conduct employee education and improve operations towards building trust-based relationships with our customers.

1. Management of personal information
To keep the personal information of customers accurate and up to date, and to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, leakage, etc. related to personal information, we implement safety measures and ensure the strict management of personal information, including taking necessary measures such as maintaining security systems, developing management systems, and thoroughly training employees.

2. Purpose of use for personal information
We only ask customers to provide their personal information when it is necessary to provide services on this site, such as in response to various inquiries, applications, and questionnaires.
We also use information as statistical data to the extent necessary to improve our services. Personal information provided by customers will be used within the scope of the indicated purpose of use. Personal information will not be used for purposes other than the purpose of use without the consent of the customer.

3. Indicating the purpose of use for personal information
Excluding the following cases, the Company will not provide or disclose personal information provided to the website by the customer for the purpose of inquiries, applications, or responding to surveys with any third party.

・When there is customer consent

・When outsourcing the handling of personal information within the scope of the purpose of use indicated to the customer to a partner company or subcontractor with whom we have concluded a confidentiality agreement regarding personal information.

・When provision is required by law, etc.

4. Personal information disclosure and correction
If you desire the disclosure, correction, or deletion of personal information you have provided, we will promptly make said changes or corrections.
Limited to when we can confirm that a request has been made by the customer, we will disclose, correct, or delete customer personal information within a reasonable period of time.

5. Compliance with laws and regulations
To ensure the protection of personal information, our company strictly adheres to laws and regulations related to personal information.

6. Access analysis tools
This site uses the access analysis tool “Google Analytics” provided by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously and does not personally identify any individuals. You may refuse data collection via this function by disabling cookies, so please check your browser settings.
Click here for more information regarding these Terms of Use.

7. Inquiries regarding privacy policy
For confirmation, requests, and inquiries regarding personal information, please contact us using the contact information below.

4-43-1, Hiromi-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya City,
Aichi, JAPAN 466-0046